
We incorporate the latest scientific research in our work for clients, and we are deeply committed to furthering science in the public domain.

From conducting fundamental research into renewable biofuels, to bicycle-mounted cameras for counting potholes, we are always excited to connect with potential partners to pursue academic or applied research opportunities. To inquire about research opportunities, reach out to

Current & Previous Partners & Funders

Publications from members of the Groundwork team

Academic Research Examples

Transforming how water is managed in the West.

Atwater, P., Tull, C., Schmitt, E., López, J., Atwater, D., & Adibhatla, V. (2016). Transforming how water is managed in the West. ArXiv, abs/1609.08715.

Digitizing Municipal Street Inspections Using Computer Vision.

Adibhatla, V., Fan, S., Litomisky, K., & Atwater, P. (2016). Digitizing Municipal Street Inspections Using Computer Vision. ArXiv, abs/1609.09582.

Design and development of a Transactive memory system prototype for geocollaborative crisis management.

Adibhatla, V., Shapiro, A., McNeese, M. D., & Balakrishnan, B. (2009). Design and development of a Transactive memory system prototype for geocollaborative crisis management. Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting, 53(4), 389–393.

Algal biofuel production for fuels and feed in a 100-ha facility: A comprehensive techno-economic analysis and life cycle assessment.

Colin M. Beal, Léda N. Gerber, Deborah L. Sills, Mark E. Huntley, Stephen C. Machesky, Michael J. Walsh, Jefferson W. Tester, Ian Archibald, Joe Granados, Charles H. Greene, Algal Research, Volume 10, 2015, 266-279.

Evaluating emissions reductions from zero waste strategies under dynamic conditions: A case study from Boston.

Joshua R. Castigliego, Adam Pollack, Cutler J. Cleveland, Michael J. Walsh. Waste Management, Volume 126, 2021, 170-179,


Localized cost–benefit analyses of co-undergrounding strategies for electric and broadband networks.

Mahsa Arabi; Nasko Apostolov; Abhiraksha Pattabhiraman; Anna Goldstein; Michael Bloomberg; Jay Taneja; Jimi Oke